Golf Course Management Plans
Tree Management to Reduce Risk and Prioritise Budgets
To manage a tree asset, you must first understand what that asset is. Utilising GPS and GIS mapping, we are able to develop a Management Plan to meet the course’s needs. The plan can be customised from a full asset data capture that documents all arboricultural assets on the course to a risk assessment review that assesses all trees but only records trees that require risk or remedial works.
Summary of Benefits
The management package allows course managers to understand the risks that trees pose and program budgets to manage risks and removal work. This removes the ad-hoc delivery of service resulting in increased cost efficiencies.
The plan provides a single point of truth for the tree assets that can be utilised to document total assets and amenity value they provide to the course. The system allows course managers to review historical data on trees with ease.
The system is designed to meet the needs of the course managers through smart, cost-effective and auditable functions.
Management Plan Inclusions
- Fix-priced assessment for a 3-year period that includes online support and assessment of trees that are raised as a concern.
- Assessment of all trees within the assessment area, as defined in the scope of works.
- Assessment of Risk utilising the VALID risk assessment methodology
- Identification of work required to address risk
- Identification of remedial works to manage no risk-based issues
- Summary report of assessment
- Time-stamped records of inspections for historical reference
- Access to the database to allow course managers to see in real-time, outstanding work, sign off completed work and ability to add work if required
- Risk Management Policy that can be adopted by the organisation to demonstrate due process.