Arbor Australis Consulting

Mowbray Park, Brisbane

Infrastructure Development, Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Vegetation Management Plan

Project Background: The required infrastructure upgrade of Wynnum Road impacted the frontage of the historic Mowbray Park. Brisbane City Council engaged Arbor Australis Consulting to investigate the development impacts and provide options to retain the green infrastructure.

Issues: While it was not possible to retain all the trees, we proposed the relocation of the five semi mature and three mature Figs. This was also complemented with an engineering solution by bridging over the root structure of the most significant Kauri Pine. With construction underway January 2019, the five semi mature Figs have been relocated off site and the three mature Figs have been relocated within the Park.

Outcome: The relocation of these trees helped to maintain the Fig boulevard along the park frontage and maintain the historical green asset. We continued to work with Brisbane City Council to ensure the Tree Protection Strategies set out in our reporting are implemented by the contractor.

Mowbray Park

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